岩美町を中心に活躍する現代アーティスト・岡野元房氏と当渡辺美術館とのコラボレーション企画。Samurai Japonismeという共通テーマのもと、岡野氏は日本文化・武家文化にインスピレーションを得た洗練された作品群を制作。侍をイメージしたテラコッタ塑像は、見ごたえがあります。
From July 23 to August 29, 2021, we will hold a collaboration project “Samurai Japonisme” between Motofusa Okano and the Watanabe Museum of Art. Motofusa is a contemporary artist who is active mainly in Iwami Town, Tottori Prefecture.
A large number of sophisticated new works by Motofusa, who were inspired by Japanese culture and Samurai culture, will be exhibited. And the Samurai culture will be exhibited to visitors by displaying the arms, paintings, and crafts that symbolize the Samurai. Motofusa’s work mainly exhibits terracotta statues that image Samurai, and the contents are spectacular.